Blogging Best Practice 2018

Blog with purpose

  • Become an authority in a given area

  • Define success before you start!

  • Drive engagement (not just reading)

  • Know your audience INTIMATELY

  • Quality over quantity

  • Stay creative!

Blog with intentionality

  • You are building a brand

    • Define your voice / style

  • You are writing for your audience, not you

  • You should do research with talking about your expertise / experience

  • Create a calendar

  • Implement blog subscriptions

  • Analyze your blogs to understand what is working and not working — always improving

    • Compile an evolving list of keywords

  • Watch timing — when your audience reads, not off due to a recent global events

  • Know your tools — analytics, effectiveness, automation, marketing funnel

  • Have relevant categories

Writing Best practices

  • Write an effective blog title

    • 65 letters or less (so it does not cut off in search)

    • People love alliterations and strong language

    • Clearly communicate benefit

      • Example: Top 25 recipes in 2018 [infographic]

  • Write effective content

    • 2000+ quality content (1st page google results average 1890 word count)

    • Great writing is not the same as great SEO content — do your homework

    • Readers goal is to get something done — show them how, don’t just tell the

    • Implement variation in the ways you write blog content

  • Imagery

    • Include photos! — how-to’s, personal, gorgeous results, before/afters

      • Mediocre food photography isn’t an option anymore — entertain and engage!

    • Include graphics! — infographics, step-by-steps, downloads, checklists, cheat sheets

Drive Success Checklist

  • Be smart about SEO

  • Be active on on social media

  • Link to other blog posts

  • Update PermaLinks

  • Include your short bio at the end of the blog

  • Include Calls-to-Action!

  • Include convenient SHARING and ask for it!

Other ideas

  • Guest Bloggers

  • Vlog

  • Affiliate links

  • Blog Commenting

  • Credit and link sources

  • Network with other bloggers

  • Invest time in developing an outstanding ABOUT ME page — people want to get to know you

  • Try new things