
  • Please use the Post Content Template below. Make a copy of this template and save it in the blog folder as a new document for each post submitted. Please title each document with the title of the post.

  • Upload web-optimized featured image to the blog folder and label with the title of the post.

    • Dimensions equivalent to the 1200x628px proportions

    • File size should not exceed 0.5 MB (or 500 KB)

  • Please use headings and subheadings that feature the post’s main keywords and concepts. Please indicate whether they will be h2 (sub-heading), h3 (sub-sub heading), by placing [h2] or [h3], immediately before the heading text.

  • Run spell check and proofread carefully.

  • Include only one space after periods in sentences.

  • Use consistent and intentional capitalization, periods, series. 

  • If references or products are included, please provide appropriate links. 

  • Please adhere to American standard English spellings and usage.

Post Content Template

Post Title

Post Body Content

SEO Meta Description

(<160 characters long, use main SEO keywords, compelling to encourage clicks from Search Engine Results page)


Suggested Tags

(2-5 tags related to the post topic.)

Reviewing Your Post

Option 1: Send me the link to my post when it is in DRAFT mode. I will login to my website to view it.

Option 2: Go ahead and publish the post, and send me the LIVE link. I will review it on my computer, phone, or tablet without logging in to my website. I understand that the post is live and accessible, but it is highly unlikely that anyone sees the post before I review it. 

Option 3: I don’t need to review it, just go ahead and publish with the specifications I’ve listed above and we’ll be good to go. 

(Please highlight your selection.)