Keys to Success

We are so excited that you are investing in your brand and your photography plays a key role. It gives your audience an opportunity to put a face to someone they are learning that they can trust.

There are three sources of photography
  1. Existing photography 

  2. Candids

  3. Hiring a photographer to get new portraits

It is often best to get new images — to align with new brand colors and capture how you look currently. The photo shoot also provides a means of capturing some fresh images to use for social media posts. 

Three levels of website photography




Description of use

Secondary placement on the home page and minimally throughout the site.

Primary placement on the home page and moderately throughout the site. 

Featured placement on the home page and heavily throughout the site.

Quantity needed

2-4 images

3-6 images

8-12 images

Outfits needed




Locations needed




What does the STRING portrait mood board include?

  • STRING will outline the key images that are needed for the website. This document is helpful to inform the conversation with
    your photographer for planning your shot.

    • Size and proportions of the final image needed

    • Focus and what we need each image to “communicate”

    • Examples of “facial expressions” we feel will support the brand message

    • Types of locations needed — actual locations to be determined by you and your photographer

  • We will pull from existing images on the internet to demonstrate or reflect the type of image that will successfully accomplish the
    rebranding goals. 

  • We will advise about colors for clothing and a very general direction of the style, but does not specify the exact wardrobe or
    accessories recommendations


Image Placeholder

Frequently asked questions

    • More than anything, the right expression is the key. Your outfit may look great, the light perfect, but if the expression is not
      captured, the photo is not doing what we need it to do. Photographers have mastered the art of getting a beautiful expression
      of you. Trust their direction!

    • While we want your website to feel very coordinated, portraits that have ALL the same outfit seem to miss the opportunity of
      connecting with prospects at different levels. NOTE if you doing a site that moderately presents you, fewer outfits are needed.
      If you are a thought leader or influencer, different expressions are an important asset to building your brand.

    • If you are concerned about wrinkles or skin spots, talk with your photographer. They will have solutions for you to get your
      portraits where you want them to be. If you would like STRING to do the edits, we can supply an estimate for those
      services — editing is not included in the contract.

    • Of course, it depends on many variables but you can expect to pay anywhere from $800-1,800, or even up to $9,000
      if you are investing in an influencer brand, need an extensive number of images, are leveraging advanced services such as
      wardrobe stylists and makeup artists, have multiple locations or live in a larger metro area.

    • Typically photographers supply a link to the full gallery of images. The functionality allows you to place a heart on the
      images you love and a means to share the access with others. Ask your photographer how they do it since there is a variety
      of ways photographers can share your full shoot.

    • Once you have selected those you LOVE LOVE. STRING will make recommendations and place the specific images in
      the website page designs. 

    • Upon approval, STRING will supply you with the list of images so your photographer can edit the images. 

    • The edited images then will come back to STRING and we will swap them out in the design in preparation for the

      development of your website. 


Ideally we like to get standard vertical photos at a minimum of 4000 pixels at 300 dpi (pixels / inch).

Often times we crop in on images which means when we have a large image we will have the resolution necessary to maintain maintain the quality of the image when placed in print or web. 
  • Print requires a final resolution of 300 dpi or ppi (pixels/inch) 
  • Web requires a final resolution of 72 dpi or ppi (pixels/inch)

    • We recommend you jump on our website and view some of the amazing clients we have posted in OUR WORK to see how
      their photographer maximized their brand engagement.

What to expect from a photographer

Photographers bill for their services in many different ways. It is important to understand their pricing model and usage rights to ensure you get what you need from the photoshoot. 

Factors that can influence the cost and may or may not be included:
  1. Time length of the photo shoot — ½ day rate or full day rate

  2. # of locations — example: in kitchen, living room and outside, auditorium (speaking)

  3. # of wardrobe changes — variety is helpful so that all your photos on the site do not all match

  4. # of models — example: people posing as clients, team members, group interactions

  5. Royalty or royalty-free — some photographers bill per # of images selected others release the full library of images for your use.

  6. Image editing — for overall tone vs editing specific items. Example: photoshopping out something on the way, wrinkles, changing
    colors of items in the image.

Other considerations

Personal color analysis specialist
  • Based on your skin and hair tones, certain colors look better than others. There are moderately priced resources that can do a
    color analysis that can inform not only your photoshoot but also your overall brand. 

Wardrobe stylists
  • They can help you plan and even shop for your wardrobe. 

Makeup and hair stylists
  • This can be accomplished by 

    • Attending a salon 

    • Hiring someone who will be at your photoshoot to do your hair and makeup and monitor it as you are moved around for the
      shoot in various poses (this can be referred by a photographer or requires approval from your photographer).

Location rental

  • Public or commercial locations at the time will want to be alerted or will charge a fee. Places that may be affected by this are mall
    or store locations, parks or sports facilities, and office or business lobbies.

Types of images 

Discuss with STRING what will be needed on your site

Corporate portrait

On sweep at the photo studio

Images can be easily outlined 

Often a great option with growing team members for future photo shoots.


Minimal background, typically square / round

Often used for social 


Some background - looking at the camera vs away

Personal lifestyle 

With family, pets, or hobby specific that allows you to connect with your audience in authentic ways.

Featured image 
(such as home page)

Strong horizontal to work with all browser window width 

Off-centered format where the individual is off to one side and the background is lightened or solid so text can be placed over that part of the image 

Process steps


Understand the type of images needed

STRING will have conversations with you during the process. 

STRING will provide a portrait mood board after the identity is approved. In certain instances, the photography is completed prior to design. When this is the case the identity is completed after we obtain photos. 


Select and hire a photographer



  • Talent - You are asking for Corporate Portrait or Personal Brand Photography

  • Location - their studio, your home/office, rental (ex: airbnb)

    • Seasonal factors - outdoors

  • Image price + usage rights

  • Availability

  • Optional amenities

    • Wardrobe stylist

    • Makeup stylist


Schedule shoot


  • STRING will supply you with a date range at the beginning of the project

    • After the design system/portrait mood board is complete

    • Obtain access to a library of images before the website design process
      (This is typically 1-2 weeks after the shoot)

    • NOTE at times photographers give access to the library but will not release the final image until a later date which still allows the photos selection process to take place. 


Select wardrobe


  • Align with brand positioning and tone (playful vs expert, etc)

  • Colors and style


Enjoy the process


  • Have fun!

  • This is an exciting move for your business and brand!

  • People need to know you — radically shine!

What questions should I ask a prospective photographer?


How many final images are you looking for?

How many wardrobe changes?

What location(s) are you thinking of — your home, photographer’s studio, outside, location rental, etc? 

What budget do you have?

Do you want any special services like wardrobe stylist or makeup stylist? 

What dates are you aiming for the shoot?

When do you need access to the full photo gallery? 


What is your payment structure?

How many images are included or do I get to keep all the images/outtakes?

Will I own the full rights to the images?

Is editing included — for example, for softening wrinkles?

What is the process you use for me to select the images I want? 

If I want outdoor images and the weather is bad, what happens?