To create the best possible web page for your needs, please provide the following information:
1. Page Goals
  • What's the main goal of this page? (e.g., inform, sell, collect leads)
  • Which audience or persona is this page targeting?
  • Based on the topic you’re covering, what are the 3 primary benefits you want to communicate? 
  • Which (if any) keywords and phrases would you like to include for SEO?
2. Content
  • Do you have thoughts or preferences around the page title?
  • What key points do you want to cover?
  • Is there any specific text, links or listings that you want included?
  • Would you like to provide samples of other similar pages that you like—pages from competitors or experts that do the same kind of thing you’d like to?
3. Functionality
  • Do you need any interactive elements (e.g., contact form, video player)?
  • Are there any other specific features you need on this page? 
4. Call-to-Action (CTA)
  • What is the primary action you want visitors to take when they’re done reading? (e.g., click somewhere else, sign up for something, buy something)
  • Text for the CTA button
5. Design & Layout
  • Are there any specific images or design elements that you want included?
  • Should this page include the same header and footer as is on the othe pages of the site or something different (or none at all)?
  • Should this page be added to your navigation (desktop, mobile, header, footer) please be specific.
Please provide as much detail as possible. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.